
Cloud Solutions Have Long-Lasting Value in Healthcare

Category: Cloud Computing, Healthcare | Date: March 2021

Healthcare organizations should no longer be hesitant when adopting cloud computing, as the technology has become more ubiquitous and easy to use. If you know how to manage the cloud...

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Better Business Forecasting with Power BI for Microsoft 365

Category: Cloud Computing, Healthcare | Date: February 2021

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an application that could help predict risks and opportunities for your business products or services? Microsoft has turned this concept into reality with...

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The Rising Popularity of Telemedicine

Category: Healthcare | Date: February 2021

Telemedicine — the practice of administering medical care remotely — is increasing in popularity because of its practicality. Most healthcare businesses have been implementing it for decades, but advancements in...

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Why EMRs Are Vital For Healthcare Providers

Category: Healthcare | Date: January 2021

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are digitized versions of patients’ information, and they’re a game changer for healthcare organizations. By transitioning from paper to digital records, healthcare providers can improve overall...

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