Month: February 2021

Make your desktop clutter-free with these tips

Category: Productivity | Date: February 2021

Filling your desktop with shortcuts to files and applications may seem practical because it lets you quickly access what you need. But when more than half of your desktop screen...

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Boost your Cybersecurity with Security Audits

Category: Cyber Security | Date: February 2021

Are your organization’s cyber defenses enough to protect it from a cyberattack? Unfortunately, just incorporating the latest antimalware software or firewall to your system won't guarantee your company's safety. Conducting...

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Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

Category: IT Support Services | Date: February 2021

You may think that your printing expenses aren’t a major concern, but mismanaging these may result in a bloated IT budget that’s composed mostly of hardware, supply purchases, and equipment...

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Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

Category: Hardware | Date:

You may think that your printing expenses aren’t a major concern, but mismanaging these may result in a bloated IT budget that’s composed mostly of hardware, supply purchases, and equipment...

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Improve your information systems with unified communications

Category: VoIP | Date: February 2021

Nowadays, integrated tech is cheaper and more reliable than ever. It’s a great way to graduate from piecemeal business solutions that often conflict with one another and bring about more...

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Better Business Forecasting with Power BI for Microsoft 365

Category: Cloud Computing, Healthcare | Date: February 2021

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an application that could help predict risks and opportunities for your business products or services? Microsoft has turned this concept into reality with...

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The 3 Primary Cloud Service Models and How They Differ

Category: Cloud Computing | Date: February 2021

The many benefits of cloud computing enable businesses to easily manage workloads, obtain valuable insights from massive amounts of data, and gain a competitive advantage. But with the many different...

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Back Up Your Data with These Four Storage Solutions

Category: IT Support Services | Date: February 2021

Businesses rely heavily on data for their daily operations. They use it for everything, from building client relationships to developing marketing strategies and so much more. But without data backups,...

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Back Up Your Data with These Four Storage Solutions

Category: Backup | Date:

Businesses rely heavily on data for their daily operations. They use it for everything, from building client relationships to developing marketing strategies and so much more. But without data backups,...

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5 Useful Tips for Speeding Up Windows 10 Updates

Category: Windows | Date: February 2021

Windows 10 updates come with security patches, new features, and other performance improvements, so it’s critical that you install them as soon as they become available. Unfortunately, downloading the necessary...

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