Cloud Solutions Have Long-Lasting Value in Healthcare

Category: Cloud Computing, Healthcare | Date: March 2021

Written By: 4

Healthcare organizations should no longer be hesitant when adopting cloud computing, as the technology has become more ubiquitous and easy to use. If you know how to manage the cloud...

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The Importance of Quality of Service in VoIP

Category: VoIP | Date: March 2021

Written By: 4

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become the top communication system of choice of many small- to medium-sized businesses. While there are many vendors that offer different VoIP packages with...

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Improve your PowerPoint skills with these tips

Category: Productivity | Date: March 2021

Written By: 4

Office workers are far too familiar with slideshow presentations that are either more soporific than cough medicine or are horrible time sinks that make them miss their deadlines. To avoid...

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Secure your data in the cloud

Category: Cloud Computing, Cyber Security | Date: March 2021

Written By: 4

Data breaches are a common occurrence in today’s business environment. While many businesses have turned to cloud applications for better productivity, scalability, and savings, some business owners worry that the...

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Make your desktop clutter-free with these tips

Category: Productivity | Date: February 2021

Written By: 4

Filling your desktop with shortcuts to files and applications may seem practical because it lets you quickly access what you need. But when more than half of your desktop screen...

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Boost your Cybersecurity with Security Audits

Category: Cyber Security | Date: February 2021

Written By: 4

Are your organization’s cyber defenses enough to protect it from a cyberattack? Unfortunately, just incorporating the latest antimalware software or firewall to your system won't guarantee your company's safety. Conducting...

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Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

Category: IT Support Services | Date: February 2021

Written By: 4

You may think that your printing expenses aren’t a major concern, but mismanaging these may result in a bloated IT budget that’s composed mostly of hardware, supply purchases, and equipment...

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Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

Category: Hardware | Date:

Written By: 4

You may think that your printing expenses aren’t a major concern, but mismanaging these may result in a bloated IT budget that’s composed mostly of hardware, supply purchases, and equipment...

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Improve your information systems with unified communications

Category: VoIP | Date: February 2021

Written By: 4

Nowadays, integrated tech is cheaper and more reliable than ever. It’s a great way to graduate from piecemeal business solutions that often conflict with one another and bring about more...

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Better Business Forecasting with Power BI for Microsoft 365

Category: Cloud Computing, Healthcare | Date: February 2021

Written By: 4

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an application that could help predict risks and opportunities for your business products or services? Microsoft has turned this concept into reality with...

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